Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fashion emergency … or when a tie is not just a tie …

A silent revolution is taking place in the heart of one of the most deliberately undemocratic institutions in the Caribbean, unnoticed by many for its significance, yet it has within it the power to launch a tsunami that washes all the political dead wood away.

This revolution is being spearheaded by a man who set himself the goal to bring change, and like many others, I too have been doubting his ability or intention to follow through on his promise. Having said as much publicly many times, I, like many others, have been forced to stand and take note and acknowledge his efforts. When one side raises its standard, the other has no choice but to play a better hand and in that way we all win, especially if all parties are now forced to find and bring their “A” game.

Make no mistake, when the Political Leader of the People’s National Movement breaks with a tradition as deeply entrenched and as psychologically important as the balisier tie it sets certain things in motion within that party that will bring change. Listening to the comments being made by some political dinosaurs is demonstrative of where he is trying to move the party from and he needs to be encouraged and supported as he endeavors to stamp his authority despite being dragged down by opposition to his leadership from within.

Now is the time for the young generation, the “New” PNMites to make themselves known to their leader and to stand with him and support him. This event must herald a cleansing of sorts, a turning away from the maximum leader and the ‘not a damn dog bark’ culture entrenched into the party’s psyche by others who have gone before. Dr. Rowley’s role here is not an easy one by any stretch of the imagination, and I am encouraged to see him finally stamp his leadership on the nation’s politics. Where we go from here can only improve our lot as all of the people benefit when those who have the power to lead do so.

Now is also the time for men of yesterday like Patrick Manning and Colm Imbert to vacate their seats and make space available for the next generation to serve. They must take with them all of their political baggage, including challenger-inchief Amery Browne and all of the others who have stood against the dawn of the party’s new day despite and regardless of the noises being made.

Dr. Rowley, your next step must be to open the party to all creeds and races to join and feel welcome and at home. You must put transparent and public policies in place to safeguard the party and the country from the abuses that took place under its last leader and you must again distance yourself from the charades and escapades of that crew and their followers. For the PNM to bear good fruit once again the people of the country need to see and believe that real change has come, and I dare say no will be believing that as long as members of Manning’s former cabal speak in any way for or on behalf of the party.

The country will once again owe you a debt of gratitude as this change will force your political opponents to improve their performance and deliver on their promises. The people will thank you for having the testicular fortitude to stand against the tides of business as usual and bring reason once again to the politics of the “corridor” and hope to an entire country so fed up of being deceived. I urge you to stand strong and your name will be carved into our history. Embrace the successes of the party’s past, learn from its mistakes and forge a new vision, again one that is all-inclusive and welcomes ALL of the people regardless of ancestry or creed.

I also call on all of the democratic, patriotic members of that party who know in their hearts that it is a continuous insult to the nation that Manning & Co. are still sitting in the Parliament and buzzing around the politics despite the mess they made of it on their watch. I call on you to reject their revisionist history and to work with the new leadership to help bring balance to our politics once again.


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