Thursday, September 15, 2011

Is the T&T Embassy in Toronto haunted by a ghost of the UNC?

Are his qualifications “possessed”?

Is the Toronto Arm of the UNC still operational? And if so what is its influence in the hiring of diplomatic and clerical positions under the current People’s Partnership regime? These are some of the questions being asked by some of the members of the Trinidad and Tobago diaspora here in the GTA.

Several prominent members of the community have been wondering about the qualifications (or rather lack of) possessed by some new appointees to the Consulate, These businessmen, who wish to remain anonymous, only seek accountability and transparency in what they see as an abuse of power and privilege by the current High Commissioner Mr Philip Buxo, and several high ranking members of the PP.

It is alleged that several HR practices were overlooked in the hiring of Mr Capil Bissoon, to a position within the new Sheppard Avenue consulate. Mr Bissoon, a former car salesman, having had several jobs at Raceway and other auto dealerships within the GTA, was also a former Public Relations Officer in the Toronto arm of the UNC. Is Mr Bissoon the Media Relations Officer of the embassy? Was his former post as PRO sufficient experience for his current position? Was his position a result of the right qualifications or the result of the right party alliances of former UNC colleagues?

Those questions being asked by businessmen involved directly with the T&T community. It is also alleged Mr Bissoon has made several enemies within the embassy itself, with his demeanor and actions demoralising staff whose appointments were not politically inclined. These individuals who have earned their posts based on merit, allegedly have to bow to the political clout of Mr Bissoon or face potential dismissal.

It is alleged that Mr Bissoon got a former colleague fired with just correspondence to public servant contacts in Trinidad. The circumstances surrounding her being recalled from her post, and the perceived lack of performance of Mr Bissoon is a matter of interest to many. Some answers are required of Mr Philip Buxo, the High Commissioner, as to why such a member of staff is allowed to carry on in such an alleged malicious manner.

The latest news is that Capil Bissoon is insinuating that a local businessman wanted the job to remodel the Consul General building and that, this businessman has a spy at the Consul General’s office. When this newspaper spoke to the local businessman, he was surprised and shocked at this news and stated that he does not owned a Construction company and what will be his agenda to have a spy there. He also stated that this is how michevious and wicked this man are to make these statements.

Some are also questioning the security and confidentailty of peoples personal information as Mr. Bisson has access to this information.

Some other questions will be asked of Mr Buxo in the coming weeks, like why there is a lack of funding for T&T-related events in the GTA? Is there a policy for the PS to no longer support Indo-Caribbean entertainment? And are there reliable sources of financial accountability? We pose these questions and await answers.

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